
the lovely squished layers of a muffeletta sandwich

muffuletta wedge

Gor blimey I luv a sarnie. And the Americans really know how to do it. This Scooby snack of a sandwich is a New Orleans specialty, supposed to be a big enormous circular loaf that lasts a working man all day. The olive mix is the base of this, the rest is essentially a deli in a bun. As you sink your teeth through the bread you get all sorts of wonderful flavours popping through, pickled veg, smoked cheese, salty ham, sweet tomato… a real treat. The recipe listed below is a suggestion, nothing more. Add or delete as your cupboard and deli provide.

I first saw this sandwich back in 1998, back on the inspiring and pornographic Nigel Slater’s Real Food, where calm Kiwi cook Peter Gordon pressed layer upon layer of ingredient on to this bap. I salivated over it at the time then promptly never made it. Fastforward 11 years, I finally get round to it. If you want to see it, as with much of Channel 4’s content, it can now be seen on Youtube.


1 large round loaf, about 30cm across (focaccia works well)

Mixed olives

Sundried tomatoes

Sliced fresh tomato

Sliced artichoke

Parsley, chopped

Spring onions, sliced

Pancetta, grilled

Gruyere cheese, thinly sliced

  1. Slice the loaf horizontally and drizzle olive oil on both sides.
  2. Layer the ingredients as generously as you can. Season the fresh tomatoes when you get there. It’s also a good idea to dribble a little extra oil near the top layers to allow the flavours to be drawn down.
  3. Put the lid back on, cover with clingfilm and press down with tins and other heavy things. Leave for a couple of hours if possible.

5 thoughts on “muffuletta

  1. Pingback: rat and roach burger « roast potato

    1. Gary Post author

      A recipe and anecdote, all in one. Brilliant! I shall not waste time with a plate and tins of tomatoes in future, and instead employ my not-inconsiderable arse.

  2. Pingback: stuffed focaccia « roast potato

  3. Pingback: banh mi muffuleta | Big Spud

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